Amy Patsalides Amy Patsalides

WALES, PLAS ASHPOOL - Ashtanga Immersion Retreat Janaury 2025

A glimpse into the Ashtanga Cheshire May 2024 Lithuania Immersion retreat where guests delved deep into their Rocket and Ashtanga practice. Daily Mysore, Led Rocket & Primary series Ashtanga classes as well as Yin Yoga, Plant based food, workshops and more...

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Amy Patsalides Amy Patsalides

PORTUGAL - Ashtanga Immersion Retreat October 2024

A glimpse into the Ashtanga Cheshire May 2024 Lithuania Immersion retreat where guests delved deep into their Rocket and Ashtanga practice. Daily Mysore, Led Rocket & Primary series Ashtanga classes as well as Yin Yoga, Plant based food, workshops and more...

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blog, rocket Ashtanga Cheshire blog, rocket Ashtanga Cheshire

What is Rocket Yoga ?

Rocket Yoga or “Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa” is a system created from the orginial Ashtanga Yoga systemised by K Pattabhi Jois. Rocket Yoga was created by one of Pattabhi’s students Larry Schultz.

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Amy Patsalides Amy Patsalides

LITHUANIA - Ashtanga Immersion Retreat May 2024

A glimpse into the Ashtanga Cheshire May 2024 Lithuania Immersion retreat where guests delved deep into their Rocket and Ashtanga practice. Daily Mysore, Led Rocket & Primary series Ashtanga classes as well as Yin Yoga, Plant based food, workshops and more...

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